
Copywriting & content writing

At Highlight Translations, we take on translation projects and meet all language needs arising when transferring text into another language. Just as there are different types of documents, there are also different types of translations, which can be separated into official, technical and creative.


It is the professional creation of brief content, with the aim of attracting potential customers and motivating them to act or make a decision: visit a website to get a deal, subscribe to a newsletter and buy a product.

Content writing

It is the professional creation of extended content (for websites, blog articles, online guides, etc.) where valuable information has to be included, so as to inform the public about a product or a service and increase their recognition.

Copywriting or content writing: what to choose

It depends on your needs, your audience, but most of all your goals.

The aim of copywriting is to transform your company’s vibe into beautiful short words which, through a slogan or ad, will captivate the customers’ interest and urge them to act.

Content writing offers valuable information to the public about your business and products. The texts have to be original, simple and reveal your signature. All of these, coupled with the SEO-friendly strategy we use, will help you increase your ranking in search results, make a bigger impact and gain recognition.

How we can help you

Our first step is to discuss your needs and goals. As a second step, we will use the information you provided to create quality documents which will bring out your true identity and your company’s unique advantages. We will gradually build an image that reflects your philosophy, strengthens your presence and brings you closer to your ideal clients.

It is a long-standing investment and it is important to select a reliable partner who will fully understand your needs and will always be in tune with your professional growth.